Category: Uncategorized

  • Ok, I’m going to delay again…

    Sorry, I’ve had a lot of gremlins. First, Unity’s new input system didn’t work on Linux. Some of that turned out to be because I was running Linux in a virtual machine, which was sending mouse movement values through at a crazy rate. The worst of it, though, was a recent design decision they’d made,…


    My web server was hacked again, so I’ve had to reinstall everything. This site SEEMS to be ok again now (the hackers entered via another site that I host for Cafe Scientifique, which is a whole other problem) but there’s so much stuff that goes on in a linux server that it needs a few…

  • User interface

    GETTING STARTED Note: Currently, as of v0.2.2, the creatures are genetically wired up to want to hunt the little green cubes (“throgs”). They can’t choose to do anything else. The throg huntng is just so that they’ll travel around a bit, because I’ve been testing their navigation learning. Freedom of choice comes later – right…

  • For the stalkers out there ….

    Some of you mentioned looking in Steve’s windows to see what he’s been up to. Here are some shots of what you might have seen (in addition to hours and hours and hours of coding, which doesn’t look like much in photos). Working out aspects of the brain structure, thinking through solutions to difficult developments,…

  • Be gentle with me

    Ok, the site is mostly back up now. I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, so if something doesn't work that'll be why. It's running on a brand new install of the server, so hopefully I'll be free of hackers now. I still have two websites that I host for other people to put back up…


    Hey guys, if any of you have tried to post recently and met with SQL errors, I know. Sorry. Some low-life scum has hacked into my web server. I've removed the phishing site and spambot he put there but there's something else I can't track down, and probably a backdoor too, so I'm going to wipe…

  • January 9th, 2012 – Happy New Year!

    Hi guys! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas or whichever solstice festival you celebrate, and a great New Year too. I've been away, so I don't have much to report. I did drive all the way to the east coast and back again, though, so I had plenty of time for thinking. I…

  • Steve at work

    Steve will, of course, post his own update later, but I thought you might like to see him at work, so I snuck in and surreptitiously snapped a couple of photos.  He was absorbed in heavy-duty wrestling with Gollum, so never even noticed.  That Gollum's a pesky little critter, by the way;

  • Sneaky peeky

    By popular request, here's a quick screenshot of one of the creatures I'm working on. Don't read much into it, though. At the moment my interest is just in getting the workflow sorted out and experimenting with the biophysics, not the actual look of the creatures. Notice the high resolution hair, etc. This is a…

  • Mea Culpa

    Erk! Hi guys. So sorry there haven't been any updates lately. This is only going to be a sort of interim update. I've had a lot on my plate just lately and also went on an unexpected trip back to England for my Dad's 80th birthday, so I just haven't had time to contribute much…