Steve at work

Steve will, of course, post his own update later, but I thought you might like to see him at work, so I snuck in and surreptitiously snapped a couple of photos.  He was absorbed in heavy-duty wrestling with Gollum, so never even noticed.  That Gollum's a pesky little critter, by the way;

Steve will, of course, post his own update later, but I thought you might like to see him at work, so I snuck in and surreptitiously snapped a couple of photos.  He was absorbed in heavy-duty wrestling with Gollum, so never even noticed.  That Gollum's a pesky little critter, by the way; determined to do things his own way and with a twisty sense about it.  But Steve's bringing him 'round.  Anyway, here's Steve at work …. Nowhere near as exciting as the work he produces, but that's probably due more to my lack of photographic skills than anything inherent in … uh … sitting at a computer all day ….  


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