Author: Grandr_Admin

  • Nice podcast on wetware

    I just came across this podcast interview with Dennis Bray and thought I'd pass it on. I first met Dennis in Wyoming – I remember us sitting on silly horse saddle barstools in a cowboy bar, looking terribly British – at a conference called After the Genome. Dennis's field is cell biology, and in particular…

  • So it’s not quite dead yet, then…

    Laurence (GreenReaper) just emailed to say that there's a new version of Creatures coming. Eventually. Sort of. The developer is Fishing Cactus, the publisher is Bigben Interactive, and it looks like Gameware is just making some dosh from licensing it (dumping the IP?). Apparently "the approach will be to maintain the characteristics and integrity of…

  • The stagnant state of AI in games

    Just thought I'd add a link to this article about AI (or the lack of it) in computer games. h/t Norm Nason. How come Black and White got a mention and not Creatures? πŸ˜‰ The big mistake, imho, was calling anything that controls baddies in a FPS artificial intelligence in the first place. It's just…

  • Do come in! Make yourselves at home!

    Hello everyone! I feel a bit like I'm throwing a party in my new apartment before I actually have any furniture. There's almost nothing here yet for you to see. But help yourselves to drinks, and there's a forum for us all to get to know each other. Hopefully you'll fill out your profiles and…